Modern medical alert jewellery you will love wearing!
Do you have a chronic illness, allergy, life-threatening condition or need to take critical medication on a daily basis?
If so you should probably wearing some kind of medical alert identification.
Buyamedicalalert.com will be opening on the 1st November 2017.
It is a unique and fresh look at medical ID jewellery, assembled by the company founder Shelley Thomas who was diagnosed with the rare condition of narcolepsy in 2003. Narcolepsy, a neurological illness, now widely considered to be autoimmune is most often thought of as a sleep disorder. However 75% of sufferers also develop cataplexy, muscle weakness that can cause complete collapse without warning, loss of all reflexes and the inability to communicate for brief periods or longer. Terrifying for those with the condition who can find themselves at the mercy of helpful bystanders and paramedics who may decide to initiate CPR or worse still think they are intoxicated with drugs or alcohol.
Shelley says 'I am delighted to have finally put together a modern range of products that you will actually choose to wear rather than feel compelled to. For years my expensive bland leather bracelet has sat in a drawer because it was just so dull and boring I didn't want to wear it. Medic alert identification is so important for so many conditions but the choices out there were expensive and outdated.
If you have a chronic condition, allergy or serious illness its imperative that we alert not only paramedics but our places of work, schools, friends, family and carer-givers. This critical piece of information could be live-saving.
I hope the fresh and modern feel of our range will change the way people feel about medical jewellery and give them affordable, interchangeable options they will love wearing'.