Do I REALLY need to wear medical alert ID?
Do I REALLY need Medical Alert ID?
Many of us have medical conditions. Some are common, others like mine (narcolepsy with cataplexy) are much rarer. In an emergency, when you might be unable to speak for yourself, a medical ID bracelet protects you by speaking on your behalf.
Doctors, medics and healthcare organisations all over the world recommend wearing medical alert ID. Lack of information or misunderstanding an individual’s medical condition can be dangerous, potentially even lethal.
The NHS report that in the UK almost half of all errors occur because of mistakes made upon admission to, or discharge from the hospital according to a recent study.
A medical alert ID bracelet can eliminate or at least minimise unnecessary trips to the hospital and stop a minor drama quickly turning into a crisis. Over 95% of first responders and paramedics look for medical ID during emergencies.
Who says I should wear a medical alert bracelet?
These are just a few of the organisations who recommend wearing medical ID: * NHS
* Alzheimer's Association
* Asthma UK
* Diabetes UK
* Epilepsy UK
* Mayo Clinic
* The World Health Organisation
For less than £30, a bracelet that could save a life must be worth considering.
#diabetes #chronicillness #epilepsy #allergies #medical #health